*Minutes of Special Meeting of November 3, 2005

In attendance were Henry Lawson, Brice Cocke, Joe Mosley, Gerald Barrow, and John Peterson, Ed Kirby and Toni Fassbender. Staff attendance was Steve Jernudd.

Committee Assignments:

President Lawson appointed the committee chairs as follows:
Finance-Joe Mosley
Lake-John Peterson
Yacht Club/Marina-Toni Fassbender
Food and Beverage- Gerald Barrow
Building and Grounds-Ed Kirby

Action to Fill Vacant Board Position:

Advertisement would occur in the Spectrum asking for resumes of those interested in serving on the board. Motion by Cocke, second by Moss to approve the advertisement.

Action to Fill Vacant General Manager Position:

Committee for General Manager search will continue with the existing members of Brice Cocke and Ed Kirby. President asked for a motion to add John Peterson, Joe Mosley, and Henry Lawson to the committee. Motion was made and approved.

Call for interim report from Webpage Committee:

Moss issued a report from the committee, attached and made part of this record, to the board.  It stated that the domain name of lakeforestyachtandcountryclub.com has been chosen.  Local venders will be solicited for the service.

Lake Approval of Automatic Valve:

Brice Cocke discussed the need for an actuator valve to be placed on the lake spillway. The total cost was estimated to be $22,000.00 for the valve, electrical, and controls. Board wanted additional information regarding the valve construction. It was decided to get drawings and firm bids and report back to the board.

Member Comments:

Rod Drummond suggested we appoint former board member Willie Robison to fill the vacancy.

Bob Underwood told the board that he recalled as aboard member spending $2800.00 on web site designs. He did not know if the domain name was included in that expenditure. He did suggest that the web page, its design and contents belonged to the association. It was decided that Steve Jernudd would discover what was paid for and report to the board.

Ray Drake asked about the use of an Executive Committee in dealing with the web site and web page design. He referred the board to the by-laws and the powers of the Executive Committee. A motion was made to rescind the formation of the Executive Committee and the committee would be an ad-hoc committee of the board. The motion carried unanimously.

Mr. Colquitt commented on responsibilities of the board.

Mr. Willie Robison asked about the legal fees of Mitch Davis. He was informed of the board action from 10-24

Mr. Eddie Murphy of Windsor Court wanted peace and harmony between the board and the people.

Board comments:

Joe Mosley was pleased to report that he had met with staff and he thought that there was no reason to consider an audit at this time. He has invited James, the staff CPA, to come to the board meeting for a Q&A session.

Ed Kirby stated that he was looking forward to working with other members and a good year.

Brice Cocke announced the D’Olive Bay restoration committee meeting.

Henry Lawson said that he thought that with the people’s help we could do a better job.

The meeting was adjourned to executive session.

Respectfully Submitted,

John W. Peterson, Secretary

*Formatted for the Internet.  Content not altered