July 21, 2005




Members Present:  Sarah Coxwell, Mitch Davis, Henry Lawson, B.T. Cocke,

Ray Drake, Carl Kauffman, Ed Kirby & Willie Robison


Staff Present: Steve Jernudd




Minutes for Approval:


The President entertained a motion for approval of the 6/16/05 Minutes.  Ed Kirby made a motion to adopt.  Willie Robison seconded and the motion passed unanimously.


Old Business:


New Business:


1.       The President without objection modified the program and recognized Carl Kauffman who introduced and presented checks to recipients of the Lake Forest Scholarship program.  Those selected were:


                                    David Coleman                                   Georgia Institute of Technology

                                    Alexander Hauth                     Faulkner State Community College

                                    James Lake                             University of South Alabama

                                    Lauren Lambuth                       University of Alabama

                                    Shawn Ramos                          Faulkner State Community College            

  1. Audit Brief 2004: Henry Lawson suggested on the basis of the large crowd to defer and discuss this item as a part of the Quarterly Budget Review.  The President noted the membership would be interested and called for the audit review.  Mr. Robertson introduced himself, agreed to be brief but, answer any and all questions.  He identified the report as “unqualified” and referred the board to specific pages and entries throughout the report.  (Copy enclosed)  The President excused Mr. Robertson but the audience indicated they had questions and Mr. Robertson chose to remain. 


  1. Nominating Committee:  Carl Kauffman reported the committee met on July 12, 2005, reviewed the six nominees and selected Carol Hall to fill the vacant position.


The President called for a motion and Henry Lawson raised a Point of Order.  He cited Bylaws and Minutes of the organization.  He first raised a Point of Information concerning membership of the committee and those attending the meeting.  Carl Kauffman listed the members (Carl Kauffman, Ed Kirby, Toni Fassbender, Hal Pierce and Brice Cocke.)  All members were invited but Toni Fassbender excused herself and Hal Pierce provided his selection by phone.


Henry Lawson as a Point of Information cited that minutes only showed 4 members on the committee and one Hal Pierce was on the committee pending verification of his membership.  The President verified Hal Pierce’s membership and added Brice Cocke was also a member.  Henry Lawson again cited that minutes exclude Brice Cocke.  The President responded the chairman had the authority to appoint anyone.


Henry Lawson raised a Point of Order and cited a bylaw that requires the board to approve all members.  When questioned by the President whether he was a member Brice Cocke responded affirmatively and offered to make a motion to reopen the minutes for correction.  The President recollected Brice Cocke was a member and noted it was an error or slip-up in the minutes.                      


Henry Lawson made another point stating that the bylaws required submission of nominees and not a name, so more than one name was required to permit a vote.  He also noted interviews had been conducted in the past and were in order as well as noting the relatively short time remaining might dictate a decision to let the membership choose rather than appoint.  The President deferred to Carl Kauffman who referenced past appointment problems and noted he had been charged to select a nominee adding if that was unacceptable he had another nominee but the committee report stands as a motion.  The President acknowledged the motion.  Brice Cocke offered a second and the motion was passed.  Henry Lawson voted no and raised issues of not hearing the second and absence of discussion.  The President clarified the vote and announced the selection of Carol Hall.


Henry Lawson raised a Point of Order over an unresolved Point of Order,  again he cited the lack of discussion.  The President reiterated action taken on the motion. 


Henry Lawson then raised a Point of Order that the bylaws clearly require the nominating committee to submit names and questioned how that provision could be superseded.  The President ruled the Nominating Committee made a recommendation (motion) it was seconded, a call for discussion went unanswered and the motion passed.


4.       Assign responsibility to Steve Jernudd for the administration of the association pending appointment of the new General Manager.  Such action would place Jake Bodiford on administrative leave subject to recall by the board and/or request for specific information/assistance from Steve Jernudd.


Henry Lawson made a motion to implement the provisions of 4.  The President ruled and Henry Lawson concurred his motion was out of order.  Willie Robison made and Ray Drake seconded the motion.  Discussion clarified the action did not replace the current search committee; enactment would relieve Jake Bodiford of all duties and assign those duties to Steve Jernudd until a permanent General Manager is named.  The President called for a roll call vote.   Voting Aye:  Ed Kirby, Willie Robison, Ray Drake, Carl Kauffman and Henry Lawson.  Voting Nay:  Brice Cocke, Sarah Coxwell and Mitch Davis.  The motion passed.







  1. Modify Web Page Responsibilities:  Henry Lawson made a motion to assign responsibility to the central office to add, delete and make changes to the web page.  Willie Robison seconded the motion.  Discussion concerning responsibility and authority prompted Henry Lawson to amend his motion.  Ensuing discussion resulted in a motion by Ray Drake to Lay on the Table until the next meeting.  Ed Kirby seconded the motion.


Brice Cocke requested and the President allowed introduction of an off-agenda subject.  Brice Cocke provided history wherein people attending meetings became so disruptive the board issued an edict; authorizing Working meetings and only Board members were allowed to speak.  This prohibition is contrary to association policy and members must be given the right to speak.  Henry Lawson noted as a Point of Order Working meetings do not exist.  Brice Cocke agreed working meetings must cease immediately (fall to the ground) and become special meetings.  When the need for a vote was posed the President ruled no vote was necessary.  Willie Robison said he would like to see Letters of Incorporation noting public participation is not mandated but granted as a matter of record adding he has no objection.



Committee Reports:


Architectural:  Sarah Coxwell presented the report.


Building & Grounds:  Ed Kirby noted several projects were in a repair mode and deferred these items to Steve Jernudd.


Communications:   Carl Kauffman presented the report.


Finance:  Sarah Coxwell presented the report.  She announced the Quarterly Budget Review (Special Meeting) would be held on August 4, 2005.  She also covered and explained the deficit (Zero) entered under Lot Inventory occurring as a result of the sale of association owned lots.


Food & Beverage: Ray Drake reported on special events namely catering involving room rentals, golf tournaments, July outing, etc.


Greens:  Willie Robison presented the report.  He also clarified questions about work on number 9 explaining the project was on city property.  The work and costs are under the jurisdiction of the city.  Brice Cocke reported a collapsed drainpipe and resultant hole on number 2 of the Lake Course.  The question of responsibility (city or association) will be decided and pursued.


Recreation:  Henry Lawson reported the following:

Pools:  Eight Lake Forest residents purchased annual pool memberships for the Montclair Pool.  June revenue for daily use during June was $381.00.  Pools are operating as a deficit as expected.  The Lake Forest Swim Team generated revenue of $2460.00.  Gate counts (users) were:  Montclair 453, Swim & Racquet 846 and Ridgewood 2357.  Umbrellas and awnings purchased are not durable enough to withstand heavy use and have suffered irreparable damage.  Other housekeeping issues exist and are being worked.






Lake Forest Improvement Committee:  Committee met on July 12, 2005.  Meeting with Mayor led him to appoint Allen Sanders to a Planning Committee.  Other meetings are planned with city officials. Meetings with the city and action planned/underway are based on resolution/improvement  of Daphne issues and do not conflict or interfere with the will of the board or association.  Committee meetings are now held @ 6:30pm the first Tuesday of each month in the 19th hole.  Interested persons are encouraged to attend.


Yacht Club, Marina & Lake:   Brice Cocke reported a revised estimate has been obtained for the Actuator and a “turn key” contract have been submitted to the General Manager and board for approval.  Work at Tom’s Cove is progressing but has been hampered by rainy weather.  Samples of dirt taken from the lake have been shared with those constructing the Bass Pro Shop center complex with the hope it would be acceptable for their use.  A quote is being prepared to cover the cost of a platform for the actuator and the cost will be shared.  An electrical estimate, considered too expensive has been received for work on the proposed actuator valve.  Marina repairs are on schedule; facility use, gas sales, etc. are good.



Ed Kirby made a motion to adjourn.  Brice Cocke seconded the motion and the President declared the meeting adjourned.









_____________________________________             _________________________________

Michael Davis, President                                     Henry Lawson, Secretary