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November 18, 2004
Members Present: Sarah Coxwell, Mitch Davis, Ed Kirby, R. Underwood, Henry Lawson, Carl Kauffman, B.T. Cocke
Members Absent:
Staff Present: Jake Bodiford , Steve Jernudd
The President, Mitch Davis, called the Stated Board Meeting of the Lake Forest Property Owners Association to order at 7:00 p.m.
1.1 Mitch Davis introduced B.T. Cocke, Carl Kauffman and Henry Lawson as members elected by the membership at the elected meeting.
1.2 Bob Underwood raised a “Point of Order” over the seating of appointed board members citing appointments were contrary to the commitment of the president to use the process used to select the most recent vacancies caused by resignation. H. Lawson concurred and noted the telephone vote was contrary to bylaws covering quorums, due process and Roberts Rule of Order. He called for unity and asked for a poll to determine whether directors were interested in obtaining a third party to review the relationship and responsibility of the board to its bylaws. A motion was made and seconded to affirm the appointments. The motion carried with B. Underwood and H. Lawson voting no. Ray Drake and Willie Robison were introduced and seated.
2.1 Since minutes covered periods prior to seating of new members it was determined only past members would vote.
2.2 Stated Board Meeting, 8/19/04 A motion was made and seconded to accept the minutes. The vote was unanimous.
2.3 Special Board Meeting, 8/23/04 Bob Underwood moved for deletion of last paragraph, 2nd page, “Underwood stated that he wants… was absent”. The vote to accept the amended minutes was unanimous.
2.4 Annual Board Meeting, A motion to accept the minutes was made and seconded. The vote was unanimous.
3.1 Clarification of Organizational Policy, Mitch Davis explained board establishes Policy to be carried out by General Manager (GM). GM institutes policy and supervises association personnel. Board honors assignments to promote harmony and efficiency.
3.2 Recommended Golf Fee Structure for 2005. Steve Jernudd called attention to the 2nd page of the schedule and asked for comments.
3.3 Establish Nominating Committee. H. Lawson referred to Section 5.10 of the Bylaws. Membership criteria evoked extended debate. A motion was made and seconded to table the issue. Motion carried.
3.4 Affirm Committee Appointments. Appointments are:
A. Henry Lawson Recreation B. Sarah Coxwell Architectural & Finance C. Ed Kirby Building & Grounds D. B.T. Cocke Yacht Club, Marina & Lake E. Carl Kauffman Communication F. Mitch Davis/Ray Drake Food & Beverage G. Willie Robison Greens
TREASURERS REPORT, Sara Coxwell covered items in her written report. (copy enclosed) B. Underwood’s questions on depreciation were clarified.
4.1 Recreation Committee, Henry Lawson asked for clarification of duties. Duties encompass all pool activities, playgrounds, tennis, youth programs, and special events. Insight can be obtained from meeting with those groups e.g., Tennis Pro. Mike Albrecht.
4.2 Yacht Club, Marina & Lake Committee, B.T. Cocke submitted written report (copy enclosed). B. Underwood noted discrepancies in slip availability in handouts. B.T. Cocke requested the lake was drained to obtain pictures to present evidence of need in a scheduled meeting with ADEM later this month. Time did not allow notification but future changes in lake levels will be coordinated. B. Underwood asked whether fees and rents for slips have been suspended. GM responded affirmatively. This subject and liability issues of owners were discussed but unresolved. GM reported yacht club railing overlooking the marina has been repaired and a bid for $3380.00 has been received for repair of walkway and bulkheads. (copy enclosed).
4.3 Greens Committee, W. Robison had no report but stated one would come later. Steve Jernudd said debris removal from course is nearing completion and asked to be informed of any noted problem.
4.4 Architectural Committee, Sara Coxwell submitted written report. (copy enclosed). Karen Bowman has been assigned to full time architectural position. Alisa Herrin has assumed position of receptionist. President said board took no position on rezoning of property owned by Friday to permit patio homes but he and some members supported rezoning.
4.5 Communications, C. Kauffman submitted written report. (copy enclosed).
4.6 Food & Beverage, M. Davis had no report.
4.7 Building & Grounds, Ed Kirby reported FEMA has made last pickup in Lake Forest. Coordination has been completed with Daphne Public Works Director to permit the garden club to place signs in the median.
4.8 General Discussion, Ivan damage to Dock C necessitated emergency action/approval by GM, President and Treasurer to issue a contract exceeding GM’s fiscal authority. Current authority remains at $7500.00. General discussion evolved around A, B and C docks with no action taken beyond rebuilding/restoration will be based on current need versus past condition availability. (copy enclosed).
5. General Manager's
Report - Jake Bodiford (copy enclosed)
6. Member Comments
6.1. Nic Smokey
congratulated M. Davis on election/appointment of members to the
board and questioned
appointment process. M. Davis summarized vote process
covered in debate
earlier in the meeting .
Toni Fassbender
questioned how/why board would fill vacancies when Spectrum
Article stated need for
volunteers to fill vacant positions. M. Davis cited timeliness and
urgency of board business (budget) dictated appointment process. Filling
of future vacancies will be addressed. She related problems in resolving
a monthly billing error. Specifics included the amount of time and number
of people who had to be contacted to correct a $7.50 error. J. Bodiford
attributed it to a computer error (glitch). The extent of the glitch and
numbers of accounts involved contributed to the delay in rectifying the
error. She noted other marinas were still charging for slip rentals in
spite of Ivan damage and questioned GM’s decision to waive fees. GM
concluded decision was one of fairness.
Asked how officer positions
were filled and M. Davis explained it was accomplished at the
Organizational meeting. Indicated she was submitting her resume for
future vacancies. When asked, she said she would be willing to work on
board committees of her choice.
Bennie Dunn expressed
hope and desire nine members would work together.
6.4 John Adams asked
Ed Kirby when he would begin enforcing city codes in Lake
Forest? Ed
Kirby said they were but agreement was not reached. Expressed
concerns over restoration of marina, e.g., 120 slips were excessive;
Past dredging
was a mistake, future dredging of that magnitude would be wrong;
Asked about Corp
of Engineer permits to dredge and dispose of silt, navigable waters, etc. B.T. Cocke informed an open water dispersal permit had been issued. M. Davis acknowledged past history and indicated copies of permits would be furnished. Inquired about status of letter signed by board members on subject of monetary gain at August 19, 2004 board meeting. Referenced waiving of slips fees and noted each boat owner renting a slip was supposed to maintain liability insurance.
6.5 Jim Ethington congratulated the new appointees and questioned the lack of
given to the submission of his resume. It was noted his resume
had been
misplaced in the administrative area and was not found until after
appointment of
the new members. Asked about the possibility of obtaining
coverage for the marina and the GM, answered such coverage was
not available.
7.1 Mitch Davis in response
to a question said Jay Ross was still the attorney for the
7.2 GM expanded on questions
concerning extension/amendment of his employment
contract. He had
expressed a desire to M. Davis to serve for another year if the
amendment to sell the
yacht club failed and M. Davis retained the presidency. M.
Davis confirmed the
request and said the board would be made aware of the
Agreement. If there
was disagreement, the issue would be resolved.
________________________ ____________________________ M. Davis, President Henry Lawson, Secretary