Members Present: Sarah
Coxwell, Mitch Davis, R. Underwood, Henry Lawson, B.T. Cocke, Ray
Drake, Ed Kirby
Staff Present:_Steve Jernudd_
Staff Absent: Jake Bodiford____________________ The President, Mitch Davis called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM.
The Board reconvened at 7:14 p.m. and the President called the meeting to order.
The President noted S.
Coxwell had left and would not attend the rest of the meeting.
4.2 B.T. Cocke reviewed a draft letter (cy enclosed) addressed to ADEM regarding silting of the lake. Following discussion, he asked and the President agreed to prepare a letter for board approval addressing the need for corrective action. 4.3 B.T. Cocke referenced two previous letters and discussions concerning proposed changes to harbor rules. H. Lawson made a motion to incorporate these changes into a proposed amendment to be voted on at the February meeting. B.T. Cocke seconded the motion and it carried unanimously. 4.4 H. Lawson noted stable contract is up for renewal and made a motion to provide each member a copy for discussion and possible action at the February meeting. The motion was seconded and B.T. Cocke amended the motion to include board approval prior to signature. The motion was lost in discussion but the President agreed in principle to the motion. 4.5 Discussion for inclusion of board minutes in the Spectrum and web page resulted in a motion by B. T. Cocke to publish approved minutes on the web page and Spectrum at the first publishing opportunity. The motion was seconded but lost in discussion. The President charged H. Lawson with publishing responsibility. He agreed to do so with the help of S. Jernudd.
Architectural: Architectural: In absence of S. Coxwell, H. Lawson presented the report (cy enclosed). The President noted the subject of metal carports is still under review. Building and Grounds: E. Kirby had no report. Communications: C. Kauffman’s report (cy enclosed) listed ways to publicize activities and generate more participation in organizations. E.g., increased usage of the web site, listing of organizations and their contact person, and a coordinated effort on the part of organizations and the City of Daphne to clean up the community. Finance: The President, in the absence of S. Coxwell made the financial report (cy enclosed). R. Underwood questioned the use of budgeted versus actual figures and cited delinquent accounts. Collection on these accounts is underway but actual methods are unknown. Further discussion/action was deferred until the General Manager (GM) is well enough to return to work. Marina fees suspended in the aftermath of IVAN have been reinstated. Food & Beverage: The President reported R. Drake has ideas for improvement he wishes to discuss with the GM. Greens: S. Jernudd said Greens would be covered in the GM report. Recreation: H. Lawson referenced an on site inspection of all pools by key personnel. Discrepancies were identified and some action items assigned to management employees by S. Jernudd. Goal is to have pools ready before the swim season starts. Cy of inspection report is enclosed.
Yacht Club/Marina & Lake: B. T. Cocke expressed a need to discuss certain situations with the President and GM. When asked what would happen if the association let the lake fill up with dirt he responded with history, proposals and ramifications of letting the lake fill up with dirt.
Yacht Club/Marina: Work is progressing on repairing damage caused by IVAN. Two boats have been re-floated. Bulkhead damage has been repaired and the retaining wall is ready for the pouring of cement. Golf: The aerator pump in the lake at No. 17 has been replaced. Drainage work is underway on No. 5, 6 and 10. A Greens Committee Meeting is scheduled for 1/25/05. Debris cleanup from IVAN is ongoing. Food & Beverage: Over 200 people made reservations for the New Years Eve Party and it was termed a success. A Valentines party is planned for 2/12/05. The fee is $10.00 per person. Over 50 reservations have been made. Administration: James Wetzel has been hired to fill the CPA vacancy caused by the resignation of Krystal Neese. Member Comments: 7.1Toni Fassbender volunteered to be on the Nominating Committee. She also asked whether collection fees are included in recovery of delinquent accounts. Opinions among board members were mixed and S. Jernudd was tasked with researching the issue. 7.2 John Coulter referenced a media account wherein it was referenced the General Manager worked for the President of the board. He asked and the President said he would inform the GM at a stated board or working meeting that he (GM) worked for the entire board. 8.Adjourn: R. Drake made a motion to adjourn. It was seconded by E. Kirby and passed unanimously. The meeting adjourned at 8:26 p.m. _____________________________ ________________________ Michael Davis, President H. Lawson, Secretary