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January 19, 2006
In attendance were Henry Lawson, Brice Cocke, Joe Mosley, Jim Moss, John Peterson and Gerald Barrow, Toni Fassbender & Ed Kirby Staff attendance was Steve Jernudd and James Wetzel Minutes for Approval: Minutes of December 15, 2005 Stated Board Meeting. Motion to approve by Mosley, seconded by Fassbender. Discussion was held about the contents. Motion carried with Kirby and Fassbender abstaining and Cocke voting no. Old Business: General Manager Search: Ed Kirby gave a report on the position of general manager. He reported that there was discussion concerning the possibility of having an operation manager and an administrative manager. Kirby made a motion to study the possibility of splitting the duties of the General Manager into an Administrative Manager position and an Operations Manager position and develop guidelines and duties for each position. Second by Moss. Discussion was held about the motion. Kirby clarified the motion by stating that there was a need to establish guidelines for each position before creating or appointing anyone to them. Mosley attempted to amend the motion to establish the two positions. Kirby amended his motion to establish the positions but to have clear guidelines and procedures for each position prior to the appointment to the position of any individuals. Moss seconded the amended motion. The motion carried. Web Site Committee Report: Mr. Moss provided a report on the web site and announced the new domain as lakeforestycc.com and that the committee has selected the contractor for the web site. An in house webmaster will be trained from existing staff. The site should be up sometime in mid February. Moss asked for a motion to approve the proposal and get the web site for $1500.00. Motion was made by Ed Kirby, Second by Moss. Motion carried. Stable Privileges, Ms. Dana Bauries: Lawson reported to the board about the stables and asked for a motion to inform Ms. Bauries that the decision of the stable manager was proper. Motion by Kirby, second by Mosley informs Ms. Bauries the board is affirming the actions of the stable manager as proper. Motion Carried. Cancel Hurricane Account: Lawson discussed the formation of a separate account to cover uninsured losses. Lawson asked about perpetuating the account. Cocke stated that the previous board did pass the motion and there was a need for a catastrophic account. Moss agreed that a fund would be a good idea. Barrow also discussed building up an account. Lawson suggested we fund it as a catastrophic damage account. Lawson asked for a motion to establish the catastrophic account for the purposes of emergency. The motion was made by Kirby and seconded by Moss. Discussion was held. The motion carried. New Business: Schedule Special Meeting: Lawson announced the idea of a Special Meeting on Feb 2nd to interview candidates for the board and review the annual budget. Moss made a motion to have a Special Meeting. Second by Mosley. Cocke advised that a motion was not necessary to have a Special meeting. It was agreed that the Special Meeting would be held. Consider Retreat: Mr. Mosley discussed the idea of a retreat for board members to sit down and discuss the future of Lake Forest. Mosley made a motion that this board and all future boards set aside a day each year for board members to get together and set an annual plan. This would not be a board meeting where action is taken, but a working meeting to discuss the plan for that board. Cocke stated that he thought this board could not act for future boards. Mosley suggested the date of February 11th for this meeting. Cocke said this was just like the working meetings held by previous boards. Barrow seconded the motion. No further discussion. Motion Carried. House/Ground Rules: Lawson suggested that the House and Ground Rules needed updating in some areas. He suggested a motion to ask each person in their area to submit any changes to the house and ground rules by March 1st and for compilation by April 15th for Board consideration. Motion was made by Moss and seconded by Cocke. No discussion. Motion carried. Attorney Discussion/Action: Lawson brought up information concerning the existing attorney. Lawson cited a lack of responsiveness and perhaps a conflict of interest. Lawson stated the board needed to decide whether we wished to maintain the present attorney. Kirby made a motion to table the matter until he had time to review the information. Second by Cocke. Moss asked it be amended to consider the information at the February 2nd Special meeting. The motion was amended and seconded as amended. No discussion. Motion carried. Mosley made a motion to establish an Ad Hoc Committee to study underground utilities within the subdivision. The committee would be Joe Mosley and John Peterson. Second by Gerald Barrow. Cocke wanted to include that the LFPOA would bear no cost to move the utilities to underground. No further discussion. Motion carried. Steve Jernudd announced that he had a resolution to establish the $100,000.00 line of credit with the bank and it needed formal action. This will be an action for AmSouth to have available the funds when it is approved by the board. Motion by Fassbender, second by Moss. There was discussion. Motion carried. Barrow removed himself from the meeting due to an illness in the family. Committee Reports: Architectural: Lawson gave out the report as attached. There was 31 violations issued and 60 violations corrected. Building and Grounds: Ed Kirby handed out a drawing for a new bathroom facility at the Swim and Racquet Club and discussed the removal of portions of the existing buildings. Cocke suggested getting quotes and prices. Peterson suggested that the board establish a vision for each amenity before committing funds to any improvements there. Moss stated that the situation at the Swim and Racquet Club had problems with access to the rest rooms and needed a look. Kirby stated that he wanted to study the idea and come back with real numbers. Lawson agreed that the underground restrooms are a problem of concern. Motion was to study the new rest room building at the Swim and Racquet Club and determine costs associated with it. Motion was approved. Communications: Jim Moss stated that the Spectrum items must be in by the 10th of the preceding month. There were some problems at the publisher. There was discussion about delivery of the Spectrum to all residents and owners in Lake Forest. Finance: Joe Mosley presented the attached financial report. He introduced James Wetzel to present information on the new computer system. He reported that all data had been imported to the new software. Mosley reported a change in banks and the outsourcing of payroll to free up staff time to work in other areas. Food and Beverage: Steve Jernudd issued a report. December was a good month for sales due to parties. Reported staff changes that have occurred. Greens: Brice Cocke gave a report. He discussed the problems on the Lake nine with erosion. He discussed improvements he is recommending. He is getting prices for the work and will give them to the board. Lake: Peterson gave a report, which is attached. Recreation: Vacant Yacht Club and Marina: Fassbender reported on the Marina and Yacht Club Member Comments: Carl Kaufmann: Mr. Kaufmann discussed several themes with the board. Tomasina Werner: Ms. Werner discussed problems with yard maintenance in her area of Lake Forest. She asked what the process to get overgrown yards corrected was. Mr. Kirby was cognizant of the area and was looking at City Code violations as well. Don Prosch: Mr. Prosch talked to the board about the dam and flood control at the Lake. Carol Hall: Mrs. Hall outlined her concerns about the Tennis Pro. She stated that she had issues with the tennis pro and there were limitations on the use of the courts. Board comments were heard. The meeting was adjourned. ________________________________________ John W. Peterson, Secretary |