LAKE FOREST PROPERTY OWNERS ASSOCIATION STATED BOARD MEETING March 16, 2006 In attendance were Brice Cocke, Joe Mosley, Jim Moss, John Peterson, Toni Fassbender Ed Kirby and Willie Robison Staff attendance was Steve Jernudd The meeting was called to order by Vice-President Jim Moss Minutes for approval: Minutes of February 16, 2006 Stated Board Meeting. Motion to approve by Fassbender, second by Kirby. Motion carried with Robison abstaining. Minutes of February 2, 2006 Special Board Meeting. Motion to approve by Fassbender, second by Kirby. Motion carried with Robison and Cocke abstaining. Old Business: GM Review: Mr. Kirby stated that Steve Jernudd had prepared a job description for each position in Lake Forest. Kirby made a motion to rescind previous board action on having two managing positions and go to a single General Manager and resume search. Motion seconded by Cocke. The motion carried. Lake Discussion: Mr. Cocke had an issue on the Lake. Fassbender moved to table any discussion. Cocke stated he would discuss this at the Executive Session. New Business: Capital Improvement Budget: Steve Jernudd presented a capital improvement budget for items to be purchased or repaired for the current fiscal year. Jernudd presented bids on replacing pumps and filters at the pools. Steve asked for approvals to get the pools repaired. Motion by Cocke second by Kirby to approve the pool expenditures. The motion carried Steve Jernudd also presented for approval the purchase of a used Bobcat for the maintenance department. Motion by Kirby Second by Mosley to purchase Bobcat. Motion carried. Steve Jernudd presented the truck allowance for the Greens Superintendent. The allowance would be a monthly payment in lieu of providing a vehicle to the employee. Motion by Robison to provide a $450 per month vehicle allowance for Derrick Sammons. With the stipulation that insurance coverage is acceptable. Seconded by Kirby. Motion carried. Revitalization Plan: John Peterson presented his position that it was necessary to study the country club facility for revitalization. The revitalization should look at the building, adding amenities like a swimming pool and other improvements at the country club. He wanted to start the process of studying the facility and what is needed. Peterson made a motion to direct the Building and Grounds Committee to begin studying the process of funding and planning a revitalization of the country club. The study will include building renovations and adding swimming pool and tennis courts at the central facility. The study will also look at funding provisions for any renovation plan. Mosley seconded the motion. Discussion covered the outlying pools and whether to keep or not keep them. Cocke stated that you couldn’t close any amenity. Peterson stated that the motion did not include studying the closure of any amenity. Robison asked that general members be allowed to serve on the committee. Discussion was closed. Motion carried. Cocke was opposed. Committee Reports: Architectural: Moss gave out the report as attached. Building and Grounds: Ed Kirby discussed the decks at the Yacht Club and the repair of them. Communications: Jim Moss stated that the Spectrum still has some problems at the publisher. The web site is at 80% complete. Finance: Joe Mosley gave the report. He was pleased with results of operations. Streamlining of operations is continuing. Food and Beverage: Steve Jernudd gave a report. Cocke raised concerns about a Friday night private booking. Greens: Brice Cocke gave a report. He spoke of improvements we could do in house. Lake: Peterson reported that the Watershed meetings are continuing with more people getting involved. Daphne Mayor and Council were in Washington lobbying and mentioned the lake to congressional delegation. Kenneth Eggers has been working with a local machinist to build a hand wheel that would raise and lower the gate. Peterson visited 112 Lakeview Loop on a complaint. Beavers have dammed up water and the City is dealing with that issue. Recreation: Swimming pools were getting the necessary repairs. Yacht Club and Marina: Fassbender reported on the Marina and Yacht Club. Wet/dry slip rental. Peterson asked about the dry slip rental being as efficient as possible and other areas on our properties that may be available for dry storage of this type. Member Comments: The following persons made member comments: Bryan Frater Tomasina Werner Dorothy Rankine Bob Underwood Board comments were heard. The meeting was adjourned to executive session to discussion the Lake suit and Security issues. No action was taken in Executive session. ____________________________________________ John W. Peterson, Secretary |