Winter, such as it is, is over and spring has sprung. Green abounds. And rain. Makes living in Lake Forest all the more enjoyable. It also helps to take our minds off problems elsewhere.

Our Web Site is up and running. Check it out at It is "95% complete". We can always expand and improve. Thanks to Mitch Davis for his efforts in this venture. It contains calendars, by-laws, a guide to facilities, club news One area we have "invented " is a listing of Yard Sales - remember that non-residents can view the contents - so if you are having a sale, please list here - for free. If you would like to tell us about residents serving in our armed forces, and even send a picture, we would like to add a page for that purpose. What would you like to see on the site? We can always use suggestions to make the site more useful, informative and up to date. Check it out regularly.

The association was recognized for having an accident free year among our staff. This is wonderful news. It reflects the care and dedication of the high caliber staffs in the performance of their duties and the guidance exercised by the supervisors.

Two Board members have resigned. Pam Jeffcoat has run into increased job responsibilities and other interests, which prevent her from devoting the time needed to serve on the Board. Bill Tunnel is in the process of moving and felt it unfair to continue serving the community. Both have enhanced the Board with their contributions and will be missed. Pam Dimoff has been elected to fill one of the vacancies.

One development of note is the organization of a task force to improve flow in the Lake Forest Watershed-which will tell us why the lake fills up and how to fix it. For years we treated this as a local project, but it will involve city, county, state and federal groups. We will not be alone on this endeavor. I don’t know where it will lead eventually, or when, but we need to identify the full extent of the problem. Funding for remedies is available from many sources and this group will help us to identify those. The effort is being coordinated by David Yeager, of the Mobile Bay National Estuary Program, which will actually help to fund the early stages. A workshop is scheduled on April29 in the Clubhouse from 4 to 7 p.m. to be attended by many of the other interested entities. Lake Forest residents are encouraged to attend. I will address this on the web site.

At least one of the innovative ideas fostered by Pam Jeffcoat will be pursued. Movies for youth has met some enthusiasm in the community, and at least one member has stepped forward to keep things moving in the right direction. These will consist of a wholesome variety of youth movies shown outdoors on summer evenings. We are hoping for a trial run in April. If I could only find some good old serials on video

We continue to try different ideas for the community. Got ideas? How about a Par 3 golf layout for youth and other beginners? Remember Square Dancing or Ballroom Dancing? Would it work here? We are receptive. Keep in touch!

Malcolm Macphee
