November 17, 2005


In attendance were Henry Lawson, Brice Cocke, Joe Mosley, Jim Moss, John Peterson, Ed Kirby and Toni Fassbender. Members absent Gerald Barrow.


Staff attendance was Steve Jernudd

Minutes for approval:

Minutes of October 17, 2005 Special Board Meeting. Motion to approve by Fassbender, second by Mosley. Motion carried.

Minutes of Minutes of October 17, 2005 Annual Meeting. Motion to approve by Peterson, second by Fassbender. Motion carried.

Minutes of October 27, 2005 Organizational Meeting. Motion to approve by Moss, seconded by Fassbender. Cocke wanted discussion about including certain wording in the minutes. The motion to approve was amended by Moss to include specific wording of the bylaws as stated by Director Cocke. Motion Carried with Kirby abstaining.

Minutes of November 3, 2005 Special Board Meeting. Motion to approve by Kirby, seconded by Mosley.  Motion carried.

 Old Business:

 New Business:

Action to Rescind previous board action to delete member comments from the minutes for meetings of July 21, September 15, and October 6, 2005:

Lawson requested a motion to rescind a previous board decision to omit or delete member comments from previous meeting minutes. Motion was made by Fassbender and seconded by Moss. Discussions by Peterson about whether the member comments were ever adopted as part of the minutes. Lawson read a letter from Jay Ross concerning inclusion of member comments for July 21, 2005. Discussion ended and the motion carried 6-2.

Director Kirby made comments concerning member comments as part of the minutes. He motioned that in the future member comments be excluded from the minutes. Cocke seconded the motion. There was discussion about the nature of recording member comments in the minutes. Peterson stated that as Secretary he had no problem placing member comments in the minutes. The motion was withdrawn.

Attorney Search Committee Report:

A presentation by Jay Ross of Ross and Jordan detailing his work for the LFPOA over the years. No Board action was taken

Web Site Committee Report:

Moss stated that he had one concrete proposal for a web site and would receive additional proposals the next week. He also said a web site survey was being conducted in the Spectrum. When the proposals and survey were received, he would bring a request to the board.

General Manager Vacancy Report: Kirby reported that he had no meetings and only one candidate was available from previous applications. It was agreed to hold a meeting of the committee.

Reliant Business Solutions, David Fowler: Mr. Fowler relayed his work as a collections consultant to Jay Ross and informed the board of his services. A presentation booklet is attached. Questions from the board were answered. No board action.

Annual User Fees: Lawson talked of the need to establish the Annual User Fees for 2006. A proposal was presented by GM Jernudd to establish a five- percent fee increase for the coming year. A budget is being prepared and the establishment of fees is necessary to determine budget income. A five-percent increase in fees will create additional twenty thousand dollars. Peterson asked for a summary of fees as established. A motion by Moss to increase annual user fees five percent, second by Mosley. Discussion about annual fee amounts. Motion passed 4-3. Lawson, Mosley, Fassbender, Moss in favor; Peterson, Kirby, Cocke opposed.

New Bank Proposals: The General Manager discussed receiving proposal from various banks to save costs associated with our banking needs. Changing banks would save around $3600 per year. Jernudd also said that a line of credit would be established (Not used) in case necessary for emergency operations. Jernudd asked for approval to proceed with this and was informed by the President that this was within the duties of the Treasurer.

Committee Reports:

Architectural: Report attached

Building and Grounds: Ed Kirby talked about the ongoing repair work at all the facilities.

Communications: Jim Moss stated that all Spectrum items must go through the office.

Finance: Joe Mosley presented the financial report.

Food and Beverage: Jernudd reported about meeting with Fassbender and Barrow and the state of the Food and Beverage Operation. Spoke about the use of the Yacht Club and Country Club for private parties

Improvement Committee: Moss announced a meeting for December 5th at the 19th hole.

Greens: Vacant

Lake: Peterson stated that he is in the process of obtaining available information on the lake. There is a complaint concerning adjoining properties. Cocke asked about installing the valve at the lake.

Recreation: Lawson reported meeting with the swim team and pool maintenance person. A list of punch items was made to bring the pools up to speed for the coming year. Steve Jernudd briefed the board on the status of the items.

Yacht Club and Marina: Report attached. Mrs. Fassbender reported on a meeting with Steve and the Food and Beverage personnel. She reported Health Department ratings. An effort will be made to have Sunday Brunch served next year at the Yacht Club. She asked that the Fairhope Yacht Club members be allowed to use our facility. She spoke of re-obtaining insurance on the Yacht Club. Handed out a Marina Report.

General Manager Report: Report by Steve Jernudd attached.

Member Comments:

Ben Cruitt: Mr. Cruitt Suggested the web site belonged to the association. He said the person who set it up was an agent of the LFPOA. He also submitted a sample ad he said could be used to advertise for the General Manager’s position.

Nic Smokey: Complaint about the web site being LFPOA Property. He recommended we pursue getting back property of LFPOA.  He said that further suggestions would be placed in writing.

Ray Drake: Mr. Drake commented about the indemnification clause in the by-laws. He suggested the board reconsiders the vote and that it violated the by-laws by not indemnifying a former board member.

Carl Kaufmann: Mr. Kaufmann offered observations, one being that the flag was positioned improperly in the room. He asked about responses on the web site. Spoke about vacancy on the board and asked about filling it.  He also commented on vacant Committee and chairs.

Victoria Phelps: Commented that the board needs to move on and do the work they were elected to do.  Asked about the presence of a camera in the meeting.

Board comments were heard. 

The meeting was adjourned.



John W. Peterson, Secretary