August 19, 2004

Members Present: Sarah Coxwell, Mitch Davis, J. Sheldon, K. Eslava, J. Deloney,  R. Underwood 

Members Absent:  E. Kirby, M. Threlkeld 

Staff Present:  Steve Jernudd, Jake Bodiford                                                

 The President, Mitch Davis, called the Stated Board Meeting of the Lake Forest Property Owners Association to order at 7:00 p.m.


1.1  S. Coxwell motioned to approve the minutes from the Stated Board Meeting of July 17, 2004.  J. Sheldon seconded the motion.  Motion passed unanimously

 2.       OLD BUSINESS

1.1   None

 3.       NEW BUSINESS

1.1    Let the Healing Begin - J. Deloney.  Postponed indefinitely by Deloney.


    Architectural - S. Coxwell reported on the current status of the Architectural Committee. 

                           Request for Building Permits for past Thirty (30) days

  •  Disposition:                                          

  •  Homes Approved       (0)

  •  Homes Pending         (5)

  •  Homes Completed      (1)

  •  Additions Approved    (1)

  •  Additions Pending      (2)

  •  Additions Completed   (1)

  •  Telephone call for information                  Approximately 20 daily

  •  Requests for enforcement of covenants    Approximately   7 daily

 Covenant violation letters sent for correction:

Numerous vehicles parked in yard






Auto for sale




Auto in disrepair




Commercial auto




Enclosed garage/carport








Utility Trailers




Advertising signs









Lot appearance









Clearing lot without approval



4 wheelers




Misc Letters














       Buildings and Grounds - E. Kirby stated that B & G information will be included in the General Manager's Report.

    Communications - M. Davis reported that the Spectrum is now being distributed earlier in the month.

    Greens - No Report.

    Finance - R. Underwood reported that golf had expenditures over revenue of 21K last month for a year to date total of $107,777K.  The Marina made a profit from the dry and wet slips.  The pools have expenditures over revenue of $56K year to date.  Food and Beverage had expenditures over revenue of $69K year to date.  There is a total profit this year of $106K compared to $241K from last year.  A difference of $132K. 

M. Davis asks for clarification that this year revenues are $106K in excess of expenses even though that has been no assessment and no borrowing of money.  Underwood agrees that this is accurate adding that LF is $100K over budget.  M. Davis asks if the budget recognized planned losses for the amenities and two free swimming pools. Davis states that in spite of missing the budget LF is still in the black.

       Food and Beverage - No Report.

   Recreation & Activities - K. Eslava - No report.

      Yacht Club - Included in the General Manager's Report.

 General Manager's Report - Jake Bodiford

      Our ongoing process of in-house maintenance is still in effect.  Maintenance has continued with staining the Country Club, replacing glass at the Yacht Club, repairing drains at the Yacht Club and the Country Club kitchens, etc.  Of some major importance our new fire extinguisher system in the Country Club kitchen has been installed, replacing a 30 year-old system.  Not only is this equipment more effective it will also save money on the annual inspections.

     While working in the Country Club kitchen it was discovered we had numerous leaks in our gray water system, which entails the dishwasher, hand sink and pots and pans sink.  They have been fully repaired by a professional plumber.

     Collections are an ongoing process, to bring you up to date:  In July we received $7,092.00.  We have sent 13 new files out to the Ross collection system.  23 lean cancellations have taken place, meaning they’ve paid.  19 new leans have been filed by the association for $8,342.00.

     In the August Spectrum, Bayshore Motors has an advertisement incentive for Lake Forest residents.  Any Lake Forest resident that brings in the ad and purchases an automobile, Owner/Operator Mr. Red Calvert will give the LFPOA $50.00.  We received the first $50.00 check this week.

     As you know Dr. Deloney has called a special meeting to be held on October 11 this year.  At this point we are combining the annual meeting with the special meeting to be held at the Daphne Civic Center at 7 p.m.  This will allow ample seating for the large turnout that we will expect.  Security has been booked for this meeting and Karen is in the process of getting the mail outs ready, which will include the agenda, proxys and candidate bios.


Member Comments

The following members commented to the Board:

  1. John Adams - Restructure
  2. Nic Smokey - Architectural
  3. Nadine Andrews - Finance
  4. Eddie Murphy - Restructure & Finance
  5. Willie Robinson - Restructure

Motion was made by J. Deloney that the previously passed motion concerning the Restructuring Proposal be made stricter by including that there will be "No Board member will profit from such sales now or in the future".  R. Underwood seconded the motion. 

Deloney motioned to rescind the previous motion so that it can be written by the attorney to include " No board member will profit from such sales now or in the future".  Eslava seconded the motion.  Motion passed unanimously.

Motion to adjourn was made by E. Kirby.  Motion seconded by S. Coxwell.  Meeting adjourned at 7:45pm.


________________________                              ____________________________

M. Davis, President                                                      S. Coxwell, Secretary