May 19, 2005




Members Present:  Sarah Coxwell, Mitch Davis, Henry Lawson, B.T. Cocke,

Ray Drake, Carl Kauffman, Willie Robison and Robert Underwood (Absent – Ed Kirby)


Staff Present:  Jake Bodiford, Steve Jernudd



The President, Mitch Davis called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM. 


Minutes for Approval:


April 21, 2005 Stated Board Meeting Minutes were amended as follows: April 14, 2005 Executive Board Minutes were amended to read April 14 Special Board Minutes.  April 21. 2005 Minutes were also amended to include the word Special Vice Executive.


Finance:  Minutes were amended to include insertion of the statement:  Sarah Coxwell asked and received concurrence that her figures were accurate in spite of interpretation cited by Robert Underwood


Communications:  Carl Kauffman requested correction that the 36526 zip code replace the words Lake Forest regarding the sex offender information.


Brice Cocke made a motion to accept minutes as corrected, the motion was seconded and passed unanimously. 


Old Business:


The General Manager informed the Board that the sale of the 16 developed LFPOA lots would be closed on at 5:00 PM on May 20, 2005.


New Business:


Henry Lawson made a motion to make the Montclair Pool free; Carl Kauffman seconded the motion, discussion dealt with belief payment of annual or daily fees yielded a safer environment despite enforcement of pool rules.  Motion failed 4 – 3.  (Voting for:  Ray Drake, Willie Robison & Henry Lawson; Against:  Mitch Davis, Sarah Coxwell, Carl Kauffman & Brice Cocke


Committee Reports:


Architectural: Sarah Coxwell provided the past months report (copy enclosed) Brice Cocke raised questions concerning LFPOA policing basketball goals.  Discussion revealed action was based on complaints.  Distinction was drawn between city law and LFPOA covenants.


Building & Grounds: In Ed Kirby’s absence the President deferred the report to the General Manager.


Communications:   Carl Kauffman reported the web page is updated weekly and is more current than the Spectrum.  Web archives are being worked on to improve categorization.  Publicizing addresses of sexual predators will be limited to printing of web sites.


Nine college scholarship applications have been received and discussion with two parents should also yield submissions.


Brice Cocke raised the issue of bringing the scholarship program under federal guidelines covering not-for-profit organizations.  The General Manager noted past comment endorsed keeping program totally under LFPOA control.  Brice Cocke concurred with decision to discuss subject at future working meeting. 


Finance:  Sarah Coxwell presented the report.  (copy enclosed)


Food & Beverage:  No Report.


Greens:  Willie Robison reported the Greens Committee had met.  He also reported the city will repair the washout on No. 9 fairway at the bottom of the tee boxes.  Plans also call for repair of rock and concrete areas on No. 16 in the vicinity of the 150-yard marker and along the green on No. 8.  He noted golf had a negative cost of $236,000 for 2004.  at the current rate barring unforeseen circumstances the forecast for 2005 will be a negative cost of $93,000.  Brice Cocke reported a washout on No. 2 on the Lake Course.


Recreation:  Henry Lawson expressed optimism over opening of the pools over the Memorial Day weekend.  The first meeting of the “ad hoc” committee will be held at 6:30 on May 26, 2005.  Anyone interested is urged to attend.  He requested information on the status of the written legal opinion concerning liability had been rendered on activities at the Teen Club (DOX).  Similarities between its operation and the stables were noted particularly operation as a third party enterprise.  Following discussion, the President said he would push for a written response.


Carl Kauffman noted people were playing basketball at he Ridgewood complex at night.  After dark they use lights from automobiles.  He asked about the availability of lighting using timers and rheostats.  The president also noted lights are installed on two poles at he Swim & Racquet Club but are currently out.  Discussion occurred but no action was taken.


Yacht Club, Marina & Lake:  B.T. Cocke noted the General Manager would address building issues.  He and the General Manager concurred in the need to paint fuel tanks the appropriate color.  He reported his plans to address the city council on May 16th were unsuccessful due to the meeting being cancelled.  He attended the May 17th meeting but arrived to late to make his presentation during the public participation.  He has been promised twice as much time at their next meeting.  Regardless, he reported the city had no intention of doing anything on the lake until the watershed studies are completed.  Corp of Engineer grant money may be available provide the association can obtain a city/county sponsor.  He expressed concern that future flooding could endanger as many as 171 homes. Dredging of Tom’s Cove should begin within two weeks but the contractor has still not signed the dredging contract.  The President alerted lake homeowners the contractor would be happy to work with them to resolve individual issues while the lake level is lowered to dredge the cove.  B.T. Cocke shared an estimate for $2500 to obtain core samples to determine whether silt/dirt in the lake has any commercial value.


General Manager’s Report:


Jake Bodiford presented the report.  (copy enclosed)


Willie Robison received permission to deviate from the agenda and made a motion for the search committee to immediately begin advertising for the General Manager position with the last date to receive resumes being 6/30/05, interviews will be completed no later than 7/21/05 and the search committee will present candidates to the full board for approval/disapproval by 8/1/05.  Ray Drake seconded the motion.  Discussion ranged from imposed time constraints to effectiveness in qualifying what could be a large number of candidates.  The motion passed unanimously.  Meetings will be scheduled.



Member Comments:


Ben Cruitt circulated a letter (copy enclosed) and asked whether the Board supported its contents?  The President was the only person answering.


Brian Degrego questioned the continuing loss in F&B.  He thought management of food costs including preparation could be controlled to yield a better profit/loss ratio.  He suggested assessing each member a certain amount to be applied to food whereby the member either chose to use the facility (eat) or forfeit i.e., “use or lose”.  He also asked whether “working meetings” were open to the public, Mitch Davis explained charges are set through the by-laws hence “use or lose” options are not considered viable.  He further noted “working meetings” are open and they convene on the 1st Thursday of every month at 6:30pm, but audience participation is almost always limited.


Toni Fassbender called attention to dangers inherent in children/adults using city streets to ride mini vehicles e.g. pocket bikes.  Discussion revealed the best alternative is to report such instances to the city police.  She also noted she has not received Spectrum in two months.


Roger Grubb wanted to know what he had to do to bring his property into compliance. Sarah Coxwell at direction of the President agreed to meet with him privately.


Adjourn:  The meeting adjourned at 8:50PM.








_____________________________________             _________________________________

Michael Davis, President                                     Henry Lawson, Secretary