Lake Forest Tennis Association

August 2005 Minutes

Present were RogerKersh, Mitch Davis, John Shank, Mike Abeln, Richard Hall and guest Carter West.

Treasurer Report- Mitch made a deposit and checked the bank account and we have $534.58.

Old Business- Last function was the Century Tournament. Al Peck and Jane Funkhauser won the tournament.

Growing our Club- We all agree that we need to get new members but it is hard to come up with a way to attract people even though we know we have the best deal in town. Roger Kersh suggested we try and work some activities with other clubs to promote our club and to attract new people. It has also been sugested in an earlier meeting last year by Paul Wilson to develop some kind of flyer to promote Lake Forest to new owners in the community. Richard will try and get with Paul to develop a flyer. We will also invite the new General Manager to our next meeting to meet with him and show him what we have tried to do to improve the tennis center.

New Business- Checking Account_ Since Susan was not at the meeting she was volunteered to attempt to find out who is listed on our checking account??? We hope she will be able to get some new signature cards so we can write checks.

August Social- We will have a social on Aug 27 (saturday) at 5:00pm. This will be just a fun event. Lake Forest residences and members of Lake Forest tennis will be free and non members will be $5.00. Below are the functions

Mitch and John- Food. Mitch will check with Lake Forest and will coordinate  with John. We hope to have hamburgers. They also need to get the extras aka all the trimmings for the burgers.

Roger- Publicity. He will go around to differnt places and tell people and place posters in various locations to attract attention.

Richard- Posters and signup sheet

September Social- We will try and do the battle of the sexes in September and will coordinate the event at the next meeting.

Next meeting will be announced by e-mail. We will attempt to get close to the first of September, but due to Labor day we will have to adjust.