NOVEMBER 16, 2003

In attendance were Gene and Dolly Guy, Richard and Carol Hall, Karen Keenan, and Al Peck.


Currently there is $277.05 in the Tennis Fund, and Al reported that $200.00 was paid to POA.  The extra money came from the October Social.  Great Job!


There will be a Member/Guest Social Tournament December 6, 2003.  The time frame will be 9:00 AM till Noon or so… The guest will be entered free of charge.  This will enable outside individuals to engage with Lake Forest members and possibly facilitate future enrollment to the Lake Forest Tennis Association.  Juniors are invited!!

*Members fee will be $15.00 and Member Juniors will be $5.00.
*Posters have been made by Gene Guy, and will be distributed next week.
*No article was published in the Lake Forest Spectrum.
*The Gazebo will be utilized during the luncheon.
*Lunch will consist of sandwiches, chips, sodas, cookies and fruit will be provided after the Social.
*Food – Richard Hall will order sandwiches and chips Friday, upon final count of players.
*Food – Dolly Guy will pick up fruit and cookies.
*Balls – Karen Keenan will pick up tennis balls, sodas, plates and cups.
*Tournament Directors – Mike Albrecht, Richard Hall and Karen Keenan.
*Call List – Various members will start calling December 1 to fill the roster for the Social.
*Set up Gazebo – Bill and Susan Green and other members. 
  (Need to get table and chairs out of Boy Scout Meeting area).


For future socials and events, emailing a newsletter to members was discussed.  This would give another avenue to communicate with the Lake Forest Tennis Members for added participation.

Mary Brabner will compile the email address and send out the minutes and any additional information for upcoming events.


The next board meeting is scheduled for December 6, 2003 right after the Social at the Lake Forest Tennis Club.

The following board meeting will be scheduled for January 16, 2004 at 5:00 PM at the Lake Forest Yacht Club.