DECEMBER 16, 2004

Members Present:  Sarah Coxwell, Mitch Davis, R. Underwood, Henry Lawson, B.T.  Cocke, Ray Drake, Willie, Robinson

Members Absent:    Ed Kirby, Carl Kauffman

Staff Present:        Jake Bodiford, Steve Jernudd 

The President, Mitch Davis called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM.

  1. Minutes for Approval

        B.T. Cocke offered additions to the minutes and then made a motion to approve the minutes.  R. Drake seconded the motion and the vote to approve as corrected  was unanimous.

  1. Old Business

The appointment of a nominating committee under section 5 5.10 Nomination of Directors.  Although laid on the table at the last meeting, it was discussed informally.  It was agreed C. Kauffman had been appointed chairman and further action was deferred until he is present at a future meeting.

The President noted a letter had been received from a member asking for reinstitution of the discount for paying golf fees in advance.  Past board action rescinded this policy.  No change was made. 

The president acknowledged receipt of appreciation from numerous employees concerning receipt of a bonus for the past year. 

  1. New Business

Approve Operating Budget for 2005.  B.T. Cocke made and S. Coxwell seconded

The motion to approve the budget.  Extended debate followed.  The motion carried with 5 voting yes, 1 no and 1 abstention. 

  1. Committee Reports

Architectural:  S. Coxwell presented the monthly report.  (copy enclosed).

W. Robinson questioned legitimacy of regulating placement of satellite dishes.

The President responded affirmatively in support of the policy.

Building and Grounds:  In the absence of Ed Kirby, the President reported progress is being made on repairing damage caused by Ivan at the marina and stables.  Discussion disclosed stables are only amenity under contract with a vendor.

Communications:  In absence of C. Kauffman, the President reported proposed changes to the web page and Spectrum noting inclusion of the “Neighbor Helping Neighbor” program on the web page and forthcoming edition of the Spectrum.

Finance:  S. Coxwell correlated cost vs. budget figures for November.  (copy Enclosed). 

B. Underwood called attention to an overall loss of approximately $91,000 for 2004.  He noted actual costs must be tracked to avoid continuing losses detrimental to the association.  Discussion also evolved around a beginning balance of $119,363 and the current balance is $16,326.  The President and GM said balances fluctuate and the noted difference is largely due to a donation of $100,000 last year. 

Food & Beverage:  The President reported that the amenity lost money. 

Greens:  W. Robinson is forming a committee composed of representatives from MGA, LGA, and Senior Couples.  Membership is open.  Goal is to improve golf program.  Q&A policy has been implemented.  Questions should be in writing and forwarded through the main office.  Answers will be researched and contact made on an individual basis.  Meeting was held with Golf Pro and Greens Superintendent to establish list of priorities.  R. Drake questioned the loss of winter greens.  S. Jernudd explained loss was due to an irrigation computer failure.  Reseeding of rye has occurred.  Bermuda is unaffected and a full recovery is expected.

     Recreation:  H. Lawson said an inspection of pools disclosed deficiencies, e.g.

      Debris, clutter, lounge equipment left exposed to the weather, etc.  Limited resources (funds-personnel) dictated priorities on other amenities and criticism at this time would be unfair.  Requested GM schedule a meeting with him and Ernie Case to review program to permit feedback to board on corrective action.  M. Davis praised the efforts of three young persons who assumed responsibility for running “Teen Club”.

     Yacht Club/Marina & Lake:  B.T. Cocke updated progress on lake.  (copy enclosed).  H. Lawson referenced the H. Pierce letter (copy enclosed). 

Discussion disclosed H. Pierce is working in concert with the association;

however, liability issues might exist over his continued use of the association logo on his stationary as well as the use of a title conferred years ago  Current ADEM permit was paid for by the association but issued in H. Pierce’s name.

GENERAL MANAGERS REPORT:  J. Bodiford outlined monthly accomplishments (copy enclosed), issued an invitation for all to attend the New  Year’s Eve party at the yacht club and wished all a happy holiday. 

H. Lawson raised a point of order.  He distributed excerpts from Roberts Rules of Order, Bylaws, GM contract and board documents to lay the groundwork for his Point of Order.  During discussion he was ruled out of order by the President for calling reference to an employee’s raise contained in the board documents. 

H. Lawson appealed the ruling of the chair.  The appeal was seconded but lost on A vote of 5 to 2.

Member Comments:  Chas Mundane presented pictures and rationale seeking approval to construct a metal carport on his property.  S. Coxwell referred to architectural rules and covenants prohibiting such structures.  She noted familiarity with his property and said the issue would be reviewed.  W. Robinson asked for consideration under the variance policy.

H. Lawson made a motion to go into executive session to consider his Point of Order.  The President ruled, in spite of objections, that such a meeting required prior notification to all board members and adjourned the meeting at 8:40 PM.

_____________________________                                 ________________________

Mitch Davis, President                                      H. Lawson, Secretary